You Are Not “Wrong”- A Response to Recent Rhetoric on Autism
Let’s get this part out of the way. Therapy is political. This phrase in itself is a whole other blog post, but it is needed to be said in order to properly open up today’s post, because we’ve been taught to “keep politics out of it.” But we’re in it. We need to be in it.
Trump and RFK are promoting the idea that childhood vaccines are increasing the rates of autism. Trump calls this “really wrong.” He’s made it a priority to address, and put directly within his executive order that the increase in neurodivergent diagnoses is a “dire threat to the American people and our way of life.” Earlier this week, he took time out of his address to Congress to speak on his concerns regarding the apparent increase in autism. He says there’s “something wrong.”
There is nothing wrong. First off, yes, we are seeing higher rates of autism diagnoses. This is due to increased understanding of autistic experiences, therefore informing diagnostic criteria. Autistic people have always and will always exist. Diagnosing professionals are using more inclusive diagnosing criteria and processes. Our understanding of the myriad of ways autism can exist has finally begun to open up. We are luckily able to increase our awareness of the diversity of neurodivergent experiences in general (though we definitely have a long way to go), which has allowed us to give answers to more people, provide accommodations, and improve overall mental health care.
None of this is wrong. It is not “wrong,” that autism diagnoses have increased. It is not “wrong,” that autistic people exist. Autism is not “wrong.” This goes for all neurotypes- all disabilities, all gender identities, races, classes (it’s despicable I must write this). And this is not to invalidate or minimize the hardships of these experiences. We live in a world that is not designed for most. The challenges are real. AND there is nothing inherently wrong with you. It is the derogatory and dangerous rhetoric coming out of this administration that is “wrong.”
This administration is aiming to erase the existence of so many identities everyday. You exist. We exist. Know that there are still communities of people who not only see, affirm, and love your existence, but also actively oppose the attack. Know that MMT is committed to the resistance. This is in fact a space that is safe, and we will continue to fight with and for you, continue to affirm and empower you, and continue to love you.
You are not “wrong.”
Mikaila Vieyra, LPMT, MT-BC
Identities of the author:
Mikaila Vieyra: White, neurodivergent, queer, able-bodied, cis-woman
Advocacy Networks, Support Groups, and other resources:
Association for Autism and Neurodiveresity- support groups, social groups, coaching, courses, IEP reviews, general affirming information
Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN)- nonprofit run by and for autistic folx. Action center/alerts, policy and legal advocacy, educational resources, advocacy tools, leadership training for autistic self-advocates
Neurodivergent Insights- Website with helpful infographics, blog/articles, community building, trainings and so much more!
Play. Learn. Chat. Resources Page- A whole page dedicated to Neurodiversity-Affirming resources!
5 Calls- app/website to assist in calling your local government representatives. You can select your location and the issues you are passionate about, and it will give you the numbers to call and scripts to use.